Phase 1: Move in zone to the Assault Position

Our first objective, shown below, is to establish an assault position from which we can establish a mortar firing position and from where we can dismount from our infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs).

Phase 2: Destroy forward anti-tank position

Next, the objective should be to destroy the templated dismounted enemy AT sections over-looking the entrance to the valley. Your task is to clear the enemy forces along AXIS HAMMER in order to give the task force freedom of maneuver to out-flank the enemy main battle area defensive positions to the north. You must destroy these positions in order to accomplish your mission.

As shown above, use Bradleys and mortars to suppress enemy dismount teams before engaging them.

Phase 3: Destroy rear anti-tank positions

Now the objective is is to destroy the templated dismounted enemy AT sections over-looking the templated obstacles, to the north and south of the valley.

Again, use Bradleys and mortars to suppress enemy dismount teams before engaging them.

Phase 4: Destroy second set of anti-tank positions

We wish to clear the enemy along AXIS HAMMER in order to give the task force freedom of maneuver to out-flank the enemy main battle area defensive positions to the north. You must destroy these positions in the lower valley in order to breach the obstacles, an essential task to the accomplishment of your mission.

We load our dismounts up and have our Bradleys move south of the corridor marked in red. Our dismount platoons move east to destroy enemy AT teams.

Phase 5: Destroy armor position in Objective sacramento and breach obstacles

The final objective is to destroy the templated armored vehicles in OBJ SACRAMENTO and breach the templated obstacles in your zone. Your task is to clear enemy along AXIS HAMMER in order to give the task force freedom of maneuver to out-flank the enemy main battle area defensive positions to the north. You must destroy this position and breach the obstacles in orer to accomplish your mission.

First move the Northern dismount platoon to SBF 1. Have the Southern dismount platoon move in behind the enemy on OBJ SACRAMENTO. When suppression begins from SBF1, have the Bradley company come up to SBF2 and also suppress the objective.

Phase 6

Move the infantry platoons to the SBF sites indicated. Fire smoke from the mortars to protect the engineers breaching the final obstacle belt in the objective if smoke is available.